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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

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What We do

Theatre Program

Theatre promotes youth to give power to truth, to take risks and to advocate for new and diverse voices.
Theatre allows students to experience different perspectives from their own. It teaches them humanity, psychology, motivations, conflict and resolution. As members of the audience, they get to witness the lives of persons outside of their normal experience. As artists, they put themselves into emotional and intellectual situations that may never arise in their personal lives.

Theatre Program

Our Gallery

We Need Your Help

 We are asking family and friends to support young Syrian refugees and local vulnerable youth in the Beqaa Valley, Lebanon. 

Safe + Easy Donations

We Work With More The 300 Young Adults And 150 Children

Every dollar you raise will support our mission to creating a safe space for young refugees and vulnerable population cross the world. 

Manara Center