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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Nour Rdeini

Social Worker
Nour khaled Rdeini
3 Years Ago
+961 70 246 850

Nour khaled Rdeini

Nour is a patient service specialist senior officer at the Bar Elias Bekaa center. She is the current social worker in charge of case management, supervised by the center’s psychologist. She has extensive certification and training, including WCH DEALs structured methodologies and other PSS activities, PFA, safe identification and referral, yoga treatment, leadership training, and CMR. She has been the teacher of CBPSS, and has worked with the project for five years. She received her B.A. in sociology study from the Lebanese University. She is the Manara Center’s resident social worker.