Since its opening in 2018, the Manara Center has worked closely with the refugee community to help educate and inspire over 300 young adults and 100 kids. Our teachers and mentors provide the guidance and educational programs to help these youth grow into good citizens of the world.
For the past twelve months our fundraising efforts have been severely hampered by COVID-19. We were unable, as we did in the past, to hold in-person events like screenings of short films produced and directed by our student filmmakers. We have been limited to hosting a small number of online events that barely kept the lights on at the Manara Center.
Today, we are in dire need of your support. Help us to help our students continue to learn and express themselves through our art and education programs. Contribute to the cause. Over the years, your donations have touched the lives of these very special children, some of whom have never seen the inside of a school room. Donate now and help the Lighthouse Peace Initiative be a beacon of hope in these dark times.

100% of our proceeds go to funding our programs. A donation of any size helps significantly.